Taking a break... Rachel picked our spot
just a snap shot
Rachel rolling down the hill - Patrick's over to the right..
How close can I get without getting very wet?
We've been playing with these toads since they were in pull-ups!
Is he serious? A drink from that toad? (ick)
tired thatched cottage... see.. pansies look tired..
Love these crepe myrtles tree branches...
Taking another break ... Patrick always has a 'stick' with him... never know when you'll need a stick, weapon, walking stick, gun, sword... let's see -what else was that stick today? :)
Rachel - on break checking out our map and where we were heading next.. :)
Love these crepe myrtles... this was on the walk towards the 'toads'
one of the 'pioneer' buildings.. he looks natural there...with his stick...
She loved the covered wagon!
They both loved the teepee...
Yes - she touched the fox skin... then she asked me for the hand sanitizer... :)
Can you see doing this? Not me... glad I don't have too!
So glad I didn't have to grow up in a sod house too! :)
I made a whole big lunch- and packed a huge cooler (with wheels) and as leaving realized Goldie -(the wonder dog) had eaten the coupon for the park! (sigh) Nothing like being late...
I picked up Patrick and Rachel and they were so engrossed in their 'electronic games' all the way to the park. (sigh again)
The day started chilly - 38 degrees and supposed to be 62 - but so sunny and just a glorious day.
I love The Arboretum - especially in the Spring - with everything in bloom it just seems so promising.
The children laughed and ran, ran and ran some more and laughed and rolled down hills of beautiful soft green grass.
The sun was warm the breeze was light and the fragrance of the hyacinth was everywhere! I had never seen so many hyacinth! The daffodils were tall and stately everywhere and the forsythia was the backdrop in so many areas.
The park has wonderful areas for the children - They have a pioneer village with buildings (all half size) and another area is a "Texas type houses and buildings, gardens, hand pump for water, a sod house and a tee pee! We spent most of our time in these areas!
We ran into two friends today! Amazing if you ask me - with the hundreds and hundreds of people there today! One of Patrick's classmates and friends from church! :)
We did find a small area of shamrocks - so appropriate for today! There is a small thatched cottage that is starting to show it's age I'm afraid... they used to have it surrounded with wild flowers and tulips but as much as I love pansies - they seemed a bit tired today.
Did I tell that while we were standing in line - I pulled my camera out to check it and realized I left the batteries at home? No? Well - it's not something I have EVER done before and immediately thought - "drive home and pick up the battery pack?" and immediately thought, "No - it's 40-50 miles home - just let it go Tammy" so I 'snapped pictures with the phone camera and was just thankful I had remembered my phone!" :)
It was a beautiful day and the most sun and fresh air we've had in had in a while! It was a wonderful time with the children and as I dropped them off at their grandparents to spend time with their dad - someone said, "Enjoy your quiet time" ... but you and I know coming home to an empty house is the furthest thing from "enjoyable" but do you know what? I had the most wonderful time with the children - laughing and listening to them talk and enjoy the sunshine. Hugs were plentiful and as we sat enjoying our time I know that this is a treasured place not only for me - but this year I think it's going to be a special place with the kiddos as well. We spread our blanket out several times and just talked and laughed with each other and I wouldn't trade that for anything!
I've been coming to this park since the 1980's and have enjoyed the changes over the years - but this year the changes were with me and I'm OK with that today . I know that God is good. I know He loves me. I know HE is going to protect me and I'm going to make it through this time. :)
Hope you enjoy the pictures!