Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thankful the week is over!

What a great time the kids and dogs had this afternoon in the back yard!

Fun in the back yard with the dogs - Goldie - although  a year old now is still such a puppy and has such a way of bumping or knocking someone down.  It will get better - and we are not getting rid of the puppy!   lol - (mommy against the family)  I'm working on making them pack leaders too and of course for Goldie to not knock anyone down...    :) 

The old Christmas tree box became an airplane this weekend!  They had so much fun!

Lucy cuddling up on the couch for an afternoon nap.. I love how she has situated herself between the pillows!   
The children are growing up so fast.... 

Thanksgiving picture - I'm not in the picture because.... I'm taking the picture....  :) 
Cousins ...  I don't know if ya'll have seen Sarah - my sister and hubby adopted her about a year and  half ago - she will be 15 soon ...she is originally from the Ukraine.  
AND I've been corrected Calvin is not 'almost 6 foot - he's 6'1'  nothing like a 15 year old to correct his aunt about how tall he really is...  
A picture of hubby and myself...   It's been awhile since we've had one taken together!   :) 

Thursday, November 27, 2008

It was Yummy

Jenny''s family came over and of course there's never enough time........ 

We  had a super time - food was  yummy and I love pecan pie....

The dogs were super and only one mishap.... I was pulling the turkey out of the oven to uncover it and baste it - and  accidentally spilt turkey juice on my bare foot!!!!!  Eeek.   What a greasy mess... and not to mention HOT!  I  had Dennis, Peter and the dogs going crazy over my mess!  

The turkey did NOT end up on the floor so all was good and my foot seems ok and I've always known I'm a kick my shoes off at home person and I think I'm going to start wearing shoes in the house - especially when cooking!  

Hope everyone had a great day! 

I grabbed only one or two pictures the whole day - I meant to take pictures of everything - and nothing!  Sorry.    :)  


Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!


Friday, November 21, 2008

It's chilly in Texas

My hubby finally turned the heat on - when the house finally reaches 60 degrees and his fingers are to chilly to type he turns the heater on....  

All the rest of  us have been  chilly... we just put on sweaters and another blanket or something. Even PaPaw - all you who know him - he's wearing his sweat pants in the house...    (smile)  Dad wears shorts pretty much 24/7.  

Stay warm ya'll!

Thursday Pack Meeting!

Aunt Jenny came over with Calvin, AJ & Sarah and worked on Christmas cards! Can you believe my nephew Calvin?  He's almost 6 feet tall!    Patrick and Rachel are standing on the hearth! 

Bobcat badge ceremony

We had so much fun!  Patrick received so many patches and belt loops and was so excited.  Of course they get cool patches for everything from camping to selling popcorn, playing softball and walking in the parade! 

There is a special Bobcat badge ceremony and they had the parent go up with each cubscout  - it was a little ceremony with the parent pinning the patch on them... very sweet.... but Patrick wanted his 'dad' to go up with him.   When my friend Jamie saw this - she said, "Why aren't you up there?  You are the one who's worked with him on all this"  I told her Patrick wanted the daddy..... she said, "You were robbed - I would be saying, "That's MY bobcat badge!"    haha  lol.   I'm ok - it's about the kids - not the momma.  :)  

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Hey MK - I finally remembered - I've  been meaning to show it to you - I planted it from a  4 inch  pot 4 years ago.   AND I've trimmed it back to the ground once.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Weekend Update....

Friday afternoon sky - as  the cold front moved into the area.....  cool
Rachel in time out - Lucy always goes to be with who ever is in time out...
Foggy Fall Saturday morning - 35 chilly degrees ....

Saturday afternoon hike with cub scouts - couldn't pass up this shot..
This was funny - they all were acting like they were running from the T-Rex..... 
At the Natural Science Museum where we  hiked - the kids loved the snake area - and this set up you could walk through the inside of the snake.... oooh  yuk.  They loved it. 

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Happy Birthday PawPaw!

PawPaw turned 66  today!  

Jenny came over and took him to lunch at his favorite lunch place  Chipolte.  

After music lessons tonight we had soup/sandwiches and celebrated his birthday!
Patrick's special gift to PawPaw was his showing off his skating technique - he'd been practicing all week just to be ready for today.  How sweet is that?  Oh for the joy of eight year olds.  :) 
Peter picked up special cupcakes from the Cupcakery...mmmmm good.   :)   

It's been a good and busy day.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

This weekend feels like a week....

Both of my children have been sick this weekend...
Rachel all day Saturday and Patrick all day today. 

I'm tired and look forward to a new week.

Have a wonderful week,


Saturday, November 8, 2008

Veterans Day Parade....

There were 100 entries in the parade today!  Our cub scouts were #7 and followed the trailer that carried all the veterans.   As the parade watchers cheered the veterans and our scouts followed  they thought everyone was cheering them so they waved and walked a little taller - although by the end of the parade we were all tired - it was about a 4 mile parade - 2 miles up and 2 miles back!  

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me....

I know that most  people think - you sorta've keep  quiet and not say anything but I've just never been that way......

#1 I never  dreamed I'd live to be 46 much less have the life I do - so it's always a way for me to 'check' my life  and make some notes of thanksgiving and a way for me to readjust my focus. 
#2 I've never really wanted to 'hide' my age b/c I've always enjoyed where I was... and try not to focus on regrets  but make those changes that would turn my focus back where it should be. 

My sweet children have sung to me - about being a  monkey and living in a zoo ..  :)    they are 7 & 8 years old so it's about the hugs and  the fact that they make me laugh.  I hear my sisters are coming to town today too (it coincides with the Market in Dallas)  I  look forward to seeing them today too!  I think we are having hot dogs tonight for dinner so it will be easy evening.  

It's a beautiful chilly  morning 45 degrees and breezy but it's going to be a nice 74 degrees today. 

Patrick still needs to help me clean out the tent......I forgot my little broom on the camping trip and then he's going to learn how to fold the tent up and get it back in it's carrying case.  :) 

On a huge note Dad and I had lunch with the new PCA pastor for our town.  He and his family have moved to town and are just meeting people.  They hope to start a Bible Study right after the holidays although I'd love to have one start one in the morning  NOW..... and they have the backing so 'buy the land now' because they aren't making more of it..... and our town is growing so fast.  Last year I think they opened 7 new schools and this year both of my children  have already seen 3 new students in each class.  So keep praying!

Love ya'll and have a super day! 

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I Voted!!!!!!!!

It's crazy - my friend voted last week so she could do it early and not have lines - she waited in line for 2 hours!

I walked in today and while the line was long - I stood there for about 10 minutes and then they asked for everyone whose initials began with Q-Z..... well.... that's me!  I stood in line another five minutes and was DONE.  :) 

AND they ran out of stickers!  The poll workers said they had about 1000 this morning and ran out in the first 1 1/2 hours of opening!   I was hoping for my free Starbucks coffee if you walk in with your sticker!   :)   

Have a super day!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Cub Scout Camping Trip

Ok - I need a cot or an air mattress.... I'm getting too old for sleeping on the ground...  
Patrick had a super duper - exciting - exhausting time!   

We arrived and set up our camp and he went fishing, fishing and more fishing - he kept telling me to shhhh.... I was going scare the fish away.....   :) 

Every spare moment he had he was fishing or whittling.. ..  :) 
Flag ceremony and scout pledge.....
Sun Set......   it was beautiful..... then they roasted marshmallows ... made some smores......

Sunrise at our camp.... Patrick and I  were up at 6:30am (our usual time) 
Part of their Cub Scout Community Project - we did Beach Clean Up for the Peninsula where we camped.

Then a game of Mush Ball (It's like soft ball but with a big mushy ball) Patrick did SUPER!

Whittling ( a new favorite past time) 

We actually did a lot more than this - they cooked, learned how to light a fire, they learned how to do a can opener that's on the knife, they did part of their "Leave No Trace Behind" achievement.  They did a Night Hike (I didn't go because of my ankles... I forgot my brace and didn't want to take any chance) Patrick went without me.  He loved the night hike.   There was a relay and our Den won so they didn't have to do dishes.  This morning I had the boys make the pancakes for their dads and bacon and helped them serve it then they made their own.  They have to do so much cooking this year and I think we are going to have it all done by the end of the year!  There was a service this morning but it wasn't really a religious - it was more a scout service with an American Indian Prayer, a talk about serving God, Community and our Country - character achievements.  Then a full round of Kumba Ya........   
Whoa- haven't heard that in a while.  :) 
Then, little fishing,  mush ball, fishing, flag raising/lowering and day was about done - I'm exhausted...  :) (and my back hurts, not only do I need a cot -but a cooler on wheels... :)   LOL