Sunday, March 29, 2009

Maybe He Needs a Wheelbarrow....

On our way home from church tonight there was a couple walking FOUR dogs....    

I sighed - I want more but  two are plenty for me right now unless we win the lottery or something.. :) AND really two are plenty.  

Anyway  I regress- I pointed out the older couple walking their four large dogs...  

Paw Paw said,  "Maybe it's Honey and Grand Dad"  (my in laws and they have 3 dogs and a foster dog right now)  

I said, "No - probably not b/c Gran dad's feet hurt "  

Rachel says,  "Maybe he needs a wheel barrow and Honey can push him and the dogs around"...

chuckle, chuckle..... (quietly of course) (no one else was  laughing - Rachel was quite serious)

I said, "Did you mean wheel chair?" 

Rachel -  "Oh yes - that's what I meant.........  didn't you know that Mom?"

Now you ask - don't your in-laws read your blog ?  yes - and I put this on here b/c I know they will chuckle too at their grand daughters thoughts... she was just thinking that Grand dad would enjoy the walk -and it if it hurt Honey  would   push him if it he wanted to be outside... 

She's so precious.  :)   And  if he needs a wheel barrow - we'll get him one..  :)   

Love you Honey & Grand dad!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Scout- Snake Man :)

He calls this his Alien Peace sign - he doesn't realize Spock had us making this sign since the  late 60's.   :) 
Can you see my daughter in the lemon/green shirt petting this big yellow snake's head? Patrick is reaching up to pet it also....  
While this is a non venomous snake - he assured us - the teeth are very sharp.... and it was striking out at him.  

He was pointing out to us that you should stay away from all big and thick snakes - most of them HAVE venom..  he was trying to make a difference of poisonous  vs  venomous... 
8 foot Burmese Python - left to its own habitat - it would never survive in the wild b/c of his color................. the boys LOVED  this.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

He Passed...........

MY SON passed  Texas Assessment of Knowledge & Skills Reading Test!
We just received his TAKs test  results... my husband chuckled at the first one.  :)   

Basic understanding he had 11 out of 15 correct
Applying knowledge of Literary Elements  6 out of 7 correct
Using Strategies to Analyze  5 out of 6 correct
Applying Critical Thinking Skills   6 out of 7 correct

He is so proud and excited he waited till we got home and quietly pulled out his paperwork saying, "Mom you have to see some paperwork the teacher sent home...." In my  head I'm wondering is it something I need to sign and return, or tutoring we need to work on... and then he handed me  his test results along with a note from the school.  :)  

There is a lot of controversy over these tests - It all started with 'No one being left behind" but they've gotten a bit crazy with it in the schools.  Many of us believe they don't focus enough on education but teaching the children how to pass these tests and are taught only what is on the tests.  So much emphasis  is put on these tests that the children and parents & teachers are upset all the time - and they start working on them be able to pass this Third Grade test in First Grade.... and of course the school's grades count towards their 'grading' in their status as Exemplary.
AND I heard on the news that they are thinking about doing away with the tests because if children do fail - they almost always find a way to let the children through any way.  

We would do the same - Patrick has never tested well and almost always freezes up at tests.   It started in Kindergarten and has continued to this day.  So for that alone - we are excited for him. !  :)    We are thankful for this teacher he has this year - she not only tests him but she looks past the grade on the paper.  She questions him and says he has a good knowledge of the subject so she is working on his testing strategies and it seems to be working!  :) 

Monday, March 23, 2009

Beauty and the Beast...

Patrick, Rachel, Calvin and AJ had a wonderful time at the play - and of  course the Evangel College did a super job.  These pictures came out pretty good -  they were taken from my phone!  :)   

It was so hard for me to not sing along - I kept finding myself wanting to sing - or starting to sing and then my children would look at me... so... my children do not like me singing in public! Sooo  the UN-cool Mom  (lol)  

Friday, March 20, 2009

Home again, home again jiggity - jig... :)

Well - I've decided I do not necessarily like driving in Oklahoma... Missouri roads  are OK - there was a lot of construction in Springfield.  But Oklahoma was just plain icky  - bumpy, every time you get up to 70- it's time to go back down to 35 and a stop light... then back up to 70 and then back down again...  ick.   It makes the 6 1/2 hours seem like 8-10.  Rachel and I both were feeling a bit motion sick and I LOVE driving so you know it was bad.  :) 

We ARE home and glad to be here - I've attached some pictures of the children and things we did while traveling.  

Discovery Zone - they loved this!

Did you know that Route 66 began in Springfield, MO?  Neither did I!  :) 

Historical Civil War Park - they loved the cannons.  

Laura Ingalls Wilder homestead... like I said earlier - they loved the fields & walnut trees

Founders Park - I thought it would be a nice place to sit and have lunch one day, let the kids run around with grass & trees..... (wrong) it was blocks and blocks of concrete....   some city park (!?) 

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Children's Sale...

Conversation today with Rachel and myself...   driving down a road - lost in Springfield, MO.

Rachel,  "Look Mom - there's a sign for a children's sale"

Mom,  "Do you want another big brother?"

Rachel (very quickly) "No - I don't, but we could stop and I could put a sticker on Patrick and we could just sale him,,, couldn't we?" 

Mom; "No - you cannot sale your brother"

:)   Miss everyone!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patrick's Day from the Show Me State!

Well - I cannot say it's been a blast but I think tomorrow will be better.  :) 

The children are doing super.  Normally I try to keep it really up beat and dwell on the big super things but it's been a tough 24 hours here... 

The drive was only 6 1/2 hours but it was long... and not a lot to see or do along the way and lots of construction- and  last night while we were checking in - at the intersection in front of the hotel - a drunk driver ran a red light and there was a huge serious accident with fatalities .... 

This morning on the way to breakfast there was another accident on the highway - we sat there for about an hour  until I found a way off the highway and around a huge accident.   More fatalities  This one had care flight helicopter show up while we were sitting there  :( 

After breakfast we went searching and found the Home of Laura Ingalls Wilder and her husband their daughter Rose.  It was so cool and very interesting.  I have a tendency to think of her and as the TV character but had no idea that in actuality  she was only 4'11' and her husband was only 5'2''!!!  :)   Their home was so precious and reminded me of my Grandma B's  in Loudendale, WV.  :)  As your family grows -you add a room, as you get electricity you add a bathroom,  when they added the brand new refrigerator and it wouldn't fit in the kitchen - they cut a hole in the kitchen wall and added about 8 inches to the house in that cubby so the fridge would fit.  :)  It was very interesting.  The children loved the rolling yards and all the trees - they were running and  running around - they asked me if we could go back again tomorrow... 

We also saw Sarah and Calvin play basket ball - and the children while they tried  ~ they mainly played their Nintendo while we cheered their cousins on.  :)    

Tomorrow we are supposed to get rain so we are going to head to the Scout museum and to the Bass Pro Store - it's supposed to be the largest in the country - I'll let you know after we've been there.  :)  AND Grammy comes to town tomorrow too!  Yea!  

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Wednesday Evening

Well you are not going to believe this - but I fell again tonight!

We had just arrived home from music classes - it was raining and windy - I had my arms full of with music books and my denim jacket, an umbrella.... well .......... while I was trying to walk with the umbrella, my arms full, raining,  windy - a gust of wind  came up and blue my jacket across my eyes - my open eyes - it hurt and scratched my eye - and I couldn't see for a split second but in that second I was in mid step   and I stepped  wrong and fell............  so..... my shin is terribly banged up and swollen I hit a planter.  If you knew me - you'd not think this is a stretch normally but the garage is all cleaned up.  I just couldn't see anything for a second and stepped down wrong and BOOM - I fell and dropped everything in my arms.   I think I twisted my ankle too -- it's really sore right now.   Good grief..  :) 

So I'm propped up and have ice packs on me...... again.  :) 

I wanted to let you know the day started off wonderful; my friend Mary and I went to visit another friend who is working at a local coffee shop and I had this wonderful creation!  :) 

Life with a 7 year old.......

Each morning I wake up and find things like this!  :)  It's so funny and cute the things she leaves around the house... :) 

Also is a picture of a project she did about Jimmy Carter - that's the president she has chosen.  It doesn't matter what any family member says... I think it's the fact that he has a peanut farm that she likes him!  :)  AND ... HER  picture of him she made made me laugh...  I mean really?  does anyone think this looks like Jimmy Carter?  She couldn't find a gray marker or crayon so she gave him brown hair saying - that it used to be brown and now that he's old it's gray....   

Here also is  a picture of her last Sunday before church - we stopped by La Madeline to visit with Honey and Grand dad - she just couldn't put her book down for a moment.  She looks so grown up in this picture!   

Stay warm!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Planning trips

I love traveling.

But the children and traveling... I want to them to see all the states .... and have great memories of the trips so... we have started slowly.  Mainly visiting with family and they loved New Orleans with Aunt Martha and Uncle Bob - we did the aquarium, rode a paddle wheel boat and walked the streets of the French Quarter and had bienets at Cafe Dumond.  Good yummy memories. 

Kentucky we've been camping and a bit of spelunking in some  historical caves with Grammy and  Grandpa Michael and pick blueberries and make bread and pickles and jams. Picking strawberries at the Amish farm was a lot of fun too.   Another yummy trip!

We are going to Springfield, MO over Spring Break with Jenny and her children.  They are in national basket ball tournament!  So while we will see basket ball games... we will also be visiting their Boy Scout Museum, Laura Ingalls Wilder home where she wrote her books,  The Presidents Museum, maybe the Titanic Exhibit (that's in Branson) :)  I don't want to overwhelm the children but 2 things a day shouldn't be too bad .   :-)   
We are supposed to be scout camping Saturday 21st but we'll have to wait and see - b/c while MO is only a 6 1/2 hour drive - we just might be tuckered out. 

So... WV, TX, LA, KY, NC,  down.... 45 more to go....  :)   Any tips for future trips?  

Have a super rest of the week!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Big Saturday

It was a big day!  It started very early... 

Peter suggested Rachel and I go to the try outs for the swim team around 6am.... they weren't going to open their doors till  8:30am... do you know - we were up there at 7:45am and  come to find out there were people there at 6am to stand in line to ''get on the list'' .  Goodness....  it's competitive here.  They are taking 500 swimmers this year for the team! Two years ago I went to sign the children up for swim lessons with the City Natatorium and I learned the hard way.... I showed up around noon to sign them up - not realizing that the doors opened at 8am and the classes were completely filled by 9:30am!    So the next year I showed up 2 hours ahead of time - and was number 12 in line!  I'm not sure how many they have in lessons - I think around 80 - but only 5-6 children in a class at a time.  As we left I smiled  sadly at the people who showed up as we were all walking out the door - knowing that the next 6 weeks classes were already full.   
Rachel was so cute, she only had to swim 25 yards - but in that 25 yards she was pretty strong and did about 4 different strokes (!) - the last 10 feet were some kind of dolphin moves - it was so funny. I think she was just trying to make it.. so there was some breast stroke, some dog paddle, some butterfly.. and then the dolphin thing she calls it... :)   Some girls in front of her were beautiful in their form but took a while to get to the other side of the pool  but Rachel zipped - it wasn't pretty but she was strong and fast - hopefully they will see that and recognize her for that!  :) 

Then Patrick had a birthday party at 10:30  

Rachel had her piano recital at 12:30; she performed her first sonatina.   She did very well - she was nervous and started her piece then remembered she was supposed to do her warm up so she stopped nodded to the judges, started her warm up, paused and then did her piece! It was her first recital and she was precious.  

Then Patrick had another birthday party at 3pm.   

I am so tired - AND we  lose an hour tonight.. ugh.   So - I'm off to bed to help make up that time. 

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Well... I've been thinking....

I like to plan ahead...   those of you who know me -   know this does not mean I'm organized.  I would like to be organized - I think I used to be as a single person.  But have not been that way in a long time.  

This summer is going to be fun for the children.  I love planning things for the summer.  We are heading to Grammy's right after school is out.  The kiddos love going to Grammy's. They bake, they pick blueberries, strawberries and make some yummy bread and butter pickles! Ok - I make the pickles but we all have fun.

We are going to (maybe) go to New Orleans for one weekend to visit Aunt Martha and Uncle Bob.   They've said  yes, we just need to pick the weekend. 

We are going to WV for more than a week near the end of July.  We have so many family to visit in WV  that I just don't think we can do it in a week.   I don't mind the drive up - do  not mind the driving  around while there but boy that trip home  is a long one - so if I can maybe rest a couple of days before leaving it won't be a tough trip home.  We are planning on some time at Aunt Karen's & Uncle Frank's cabin and that is one of the most peaceful places on earth.  I'll attach a couple of pictures from when we were there a number of years ago.  
Also - one weekend - long weekend - probably 3 days children and I (maybe Grammy) are going to Palo Duro Canyon, Texas.  It's so beautiful out there -  we might  be camping.  There is a huge stage production musical they put on every year.  I went out there with a girl friend one year and we had a cowboy breakfast - we rode horse/wagon out into the canyon before sunrise, and there were about a dozen seasoned  cowboys cooking for us  the most delicious breakfast of eggs, potatoes, biscuits, gravy and sausages  fruits and  tea for the ladies - oh my it was wonderful and then as they are pouring us cowboy coffee the sun starts rising through the canyon - it's breathtaking.  I've tried to put this link in and it just won't work for me - but you can check it out! 

That's all I have for now...  but I love planning ahead for summer... 

MK - do you still want to try to do a beach house sometime?  

I've  just realized I've gotten way ahead of myself - we have Spring first - and I want the children to see King Tut while he's in town and of course I love see the Dallas  Arboretum for Dallas Blooms - it's a gorgeous sight for the eyes and soul as they have 10's of thousands of tulips blooming and azaleas showing off their color - 

And Spring Break... well that's for another day...  we have pretty much planned that one out with Aunt Jenny and her family.

Hope your week is going great - we are all good here; children saw the dentist today and check up was ok,  Rachel has a couple of spots that have got to be watched -she needs to be flossing more often than once a month...  really..?   A 7 year old?  I had no idea!   :)  Goodnight -I've got to go and floss now... 

Sunday, March 1, 2009

It's been a full week!

 I am so tired but of course hopping around on crutches is a bit wearing.  Only one more week though and then 2 weeks with the brace - I'm fine with the brace - right now - it just feels good, safe - secure - and no way of my knee slipping and moving the wrong way way.  :)  
Patrick had his Scouting Blue and Gold Banquet Saturday night and it was so exciting!  I've never been to one before and I have to tell you - as banquets go I think it went well.  
We made a cake and  HE WON a ribbon for  it.  I volunteered to help sign cakes in and there were 26 cakes - the categories ranged from America themed to scout themed  and colors, height blah, blah, blah..  12 categories..  and it was supposed to be done by the scout.. well - I have to tell you - I believe very few were done by scouts.    There was one that was beautiful - done up like a scout shirt - with all the beads, patches and ties on it - by a Tiger..(first grader) - there is no way a  first grader did that.... oh well.  I have to let that go... but I baked the cakes and put them together but Patrick iced the cake and rolled out the fondant and cut the fondant and put it on the cake..  We were going for height.  Our cake was almost 2 feet tall !  He was so proud and as I signed in the cakes I noticed that we were the tallest cake... (I was a bit excited but kept  it to myself)  THEN as the judges were going by - the mom of the other almost as tall as our cake walked up and stuck a flag in the top!!!  They counted that so we did not win the height category... but as they were calling out ribbons they called Patrick's name for the best use of the scout colors!!  HE won!  Yea! I had no idea- you know  it wasn't what I wanted to do - but it wasn't about me.. right?  He is very proud!     

When they were taking family #'s for the dinner - most families had parent's and their sons - we had 7 for dinner!  Patrick is very fortunate to have his grandparents around to come to so many fun things he and Rachel are up too - next weekend we have her piano recital! 

I've put some pictures of the banquet - the cake in pieces - it tasted so good.  I used a Southern Living cookbook - and while it was a cake mix  - instead of oil or what the box called for I used buttermilk and then made my own butter cream icing from scratch.  It went over great and we brought the top part of the cake home and I took to the bowling alley tonight  - our church was having a get together and it was devoured.  :) So that's good  - its out of the house - and someone else ate it. :) I love homemade butter cream icing.... :)   

The scouts picked up food for the local food bank, we loved our visit with Uncle Dave and with Calvin and Sarah.  There is a new place in town called The Main Event.  I have my reservations about it - as a mother but the children  are having a blast - at the ropes course and of course I have pictures to prove it.  :) 
Hope you have a super week!   We are all doing great   - Peter is working too hard.  Paw Paw will be purchasing his ticket back to WV soon  and I'm torn about it - I'm thinking he's getting  to a place where he can't do it as well by himself but I do not think he will hear it from me since he lives with me ... you know - it's one of those parent/child things... even though I'm  46! 
Did I say that out loud? oops... :)