Thursday, July 23, 2009

Blue Grass Parkway and Capital today :)

Those who know the area will be proud - I drove all the way down to ...hmmm can't remember the name of the bridge - went over the bridge and back up to University of Charleston and took this picture from the river side of the college to get the capital in the background - then found my way back to the other side of the river :) Kids were impressed when we were on the Kanawha Blvd and looked back at the college and realized where they had just been. :) (make sense?)

check out this action shot! He was bounding away from the crazy lady in the van... following him... :)
Can't get away from me and my camera............

Patrick and Rachel loved this shot!

She's till there - let's quietly walk away maybe she will forget we are here..
Why did you choose this part of the highway to stop and eat - the human is 'watching' us....


M.K. said...

I wish I knew Charleston well enough to know the places you mention! But I'm not there much at all (only for funerals, I'm afraid!). The deer shots are lovely - such a standard for WV where there are SO MANY of them! I hope you have a great vacation :)

Tammy said...

Where we live - we see NO real wildlife in our daily life so when we do - it's very exciting... last week at Palo Duro Canyon we saw lizards (quite big) and tarantulas ...... very cool.

I'm hoping to visit Max and Anne in our 2nd week - we will see Mark on Wednesday - Jenny has rented a pontoon boat for us at Cheat Lake! How cool is that?

GretchenJoanna said...

I have such a hard time getting good pictures of deer, it is a pleasure to be able to look at yours. Thanks for sharing.