Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The One Year Book of Hymns

Georgia Settle gave me this book - it seems ages ago - and in it she wrote, "May the songs of our Savior fill your heart to His Glory" Christmas 1997

I love this book and music has always had a way of moving my heart. This last weekend was so tough on me and I found myself crying more than naught. Speaking words I would normally never speak. I found myself so angry - angrier than I have ever been and moments later sadder than I have ever known. In the few days since the move - I've realized I am not being who I want to be - I'm not responding in a manner reflecting Gods love for me or even as a woman that I WANT to be.

In the middle of this heartbreak and loss and unpacking my room - trying to make order in the chaos I found my book - and when leafing through it I found several hymns that bring balm to my crushed soul.

I thought I'd share one of the hymns with you from time to time - today's being:

There is a Wideness in Gods Mercy

There is a wideness in God's mercy,
Like the wideness in the sea;
There is a kindness in His justice,
Which is more than Liberty.
There is welcome for the sinner,
And more graces for the good,
There is mercy with the Savior;
There is healing in His blood.

For the love of God is broader
Than the measure of man's mind;
And the heart of the Eternal
Is most wonderfully kind.
If our love were but more simple,
We should take Him at His word;
And our lives would be all sunshine
In the sweetness of our Lord.

Frederick William Faber ( 1814-1863)

Change does not come easy for anyone and christian growth is not instantaneous but gradual. Thomas Kempis writes, "One thing that draws one back from spiritual progress is the fear of the difficulty of the labor and combat. Don't give up what you have started" I feel lately I'm in the thick of it and do not want to give up! So in this time after the move - I want my heart in the RIGHT place. With hymns and songs as well as scripture - these bring my focus away from me and the sadness and lift me to a place where I can be WHO I want to be and maybe others can see Christ also. That is all anyone can ask really. The songs stay with me throughout the day and remind me of the promises of God so that they are brought back to me again and again.

Almost time to go and pick up children - can't wait to see them today! Its rainy and cold and can't wait to have some hot chocolate cookies for them fresh from the oven. :)

Oh - and I unpacked 4 boxes today in my closet/bedroom/bathroom area!

1 comment:

M.K. said...

Love you, dearest cuz. Your words are honest, and painful, but your attitude it exactly right -- in the end, the glory can be that others will see Christ in you, even in the brokenness. I'll pray for the healing of this hurt.