So... here it is: Chocolate-Cherry-Cream Cheese Cinnamon Rolls
its from a yummy looking Southern Living Magazine I splurged on for myself!
Now- dried cherries - did not have any and the recipe came out super anyway but I can imagine that the cherries would have been divine in this recipe - and may stock up on them next time I am at the store. :)
This recipe calls for the frozen biscuits instead of making your own dough - (pretty cool) makes it very easy! I guess it's one of those 'semi-homemade' recipes :)

After the cream cheese came the brown sugar/cinnamon mixture...ooh smelled so yummy while baking. :)
Rachel was my helper and then she took over the camera when I was cutting the rolls.

Oops forgot - we did a powder sugar/milk icing on top - it was wonderful pouring it over the top of the hot cinnamon rolls.