Friday, February 13, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!

It was a beautiful day!  The children had a blast making their Valentine boxes and celebrating with school parties!   It was fun - I'm a room mom so I was able to be apart of it all and helping the kiddos have a super party!  

Tonight there was a beautiful end of the day sunset and now a cool front is coming in so it went from the 71 today down to 38 tonight - (normal for Texas Winters..)  But the front coming in was so pretty I had to take  a picture!  :) 

Have a great weekend!  I received some beautiful roses today from my hubby but will have to download that picture later. 

Patrick has some scout activities tomorrow so we will be running around a bit tomorrow.  We'll be  passing bags around the neighborhood collecting canned food for the local foodbank and then we are heading to the Scout Museum to work on a Geology badge!  :)  How fun!
I'll put those pictures up tomorrow!
Have a super weekend and give your loved ones a hug!  Happy Valentines Day!
xxoo  Tammy

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