Well today was a great day for the children.
Patrick went on a field trip to an Opera.... for a 9 year old boy - I think it was just time away from school. AND he's been complaining about a headache the rest of the day.
Rachel did super today - she finished all her school work that she was supposed to IN CLASS and finished her homework very easily. :)
The last couple of weeks have been a bit rough on her - she wasn't finishing any of her work - and really being quite defiant about the work. We had several meetings with the teacher the last meeting we pulled Rachel into the meeting so she could understand the seriousness of the situation. She wouldn't finish her work, the teacher would ask her to bring it home and finish it so she could at least receive a 70/passing grade for the assignment. Rachel just told her to her face she wasn't interested in doing it.
Well... sigh..... Week before last we received a call from the school and it was the teacher - Rachel had called her teacher her by her first name several times - and told her she would NOT be doing the math work that day at school. Well - come to find out calling the teacher by their first name for 7 year olds is an in-school suspension offense. ..... pause, pause, pause... "Are you sure MY daughter did this? I mean really Rachel?" That's what a normal parent would be thinking and if it was my son - I would be saying this - but since it was my daughter - I COULD see this... and it made me bit sad. So - in school suspension was the punishment but her class was supposed to go and see a play the next day and the teacher was wanting to put the punishment off till Monday so Rachel could attend the field trip. My thought was.. "No... let's do it tomorrow and have her miss the field trip too instead of a day of school" But I was re-thinking it because we all want our children to have fun and experience the class field trips.
Well - do you know my daughter told her teacher to her face and with her chin up that she could talk me into letting her go on the field trip?! She has gumption, you have to give her that~ but that was the kiss of death - then and there. So she missed the field trip and was extremely sad and shed a few tears during the day, but it has worked - We are on our second week since the incident and she is completing all her work every day and good stamps at the end of each day and everyone is saying, "We are seeing a breakthrough in just about every subject " Her piano teacher came out of class last week (not knowing what was going on at school) and said, " We are seeing a huge breakthrough in counting" It's been super.
I was never far away when she was in school suspension. I checked on her 3-4 times that day but didn't let her see me.
She is so independent and strong. Such leadership qualities My dad reminded me that I was once a little girl that in First Grade if I didn't get what I wanted I could hold my breath till I turned blue and passed out!!! I can't imagine what I put my parents through - they would rush to the ER with me, stick my head under a faucet of running water and so forth until a pediatrician told them to let me hold my breath, let me turn blue and pass out,,, then I would start breathing again... :)
So my sweet precious little girl comes by it honestly....
Good for you, cuz! I know it's hard, but honestly, the curse of the teacher is the parent who doesn't believe his/her child is sinful (bad, fallen, whatever term you like), and refuses to allow them to suffer the consequences of their actions. Argh! Being firm, and showing her that there are limits, is the kindest thing to do for her! Yay for you!
Thanks MK - we knew it was the right thing to do - but at the time you are hoping it will right itself but not with Rachel - she seems to need that extra nudge - she always goes up the 'line' and just looks at you and crosses 'it'... :)
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