Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Once Upon a Weed....

Before I left to visit my sister and her new baby - I noticed a weed.... 

I'm  out with the dogs in the back yard every day so it is easy for me to notice something new in the flower bed - that should not be there ~mostly the neighbor's son's balls (he plays everyday), occasionally the bird feeder is knocked down.   This flower bed is a bit over grown any way due to the builder's landscaper - I think he just wanted to be 'done'  and put the all the plants that we agreed upon in a bit smaller flower bed; hence the overgrown bed... but when a tall slender weed  came up through the bushes and irises it was noticeable but I was ... busy......and it was a sticky,  prickly tall slender weed - that grasping with my unprotected hand was a distasteful thought.  So the weed was let to grow,  unsupervised and totally protected  being inside the bushes and landscape. 

While I was holding my new nephew for days and having a wonderful time being with my sister and her new family - the sticky; prickly weed grew and grew due to the Texas sun and the wonderful rain it received for days and days.

Upon my return home I take the dogs outside to play and do their business and remembered the weed.  I walked around the corner of the house and there it was in it's glory - it had shot up almost 3 feet taller and had bloomed!  It will be removed but for now I'm enjoying it's bright yellow beauty.  Probably dropped there by an unsuspecting bird but a bright spot for me today. 

There's a thought there but I'm going to leave it for ya'll to ponder....   

1 comment:

M.K. said...

I dunno, Tam - they say whatever you WANT in your flower bed is a plant, not a weed :) It blooms! It might be a keeper?