Nothing new to report.... I've started packing away the Thomas the Train toys... :(
It's sad -a passing of an era, I loved all the Thomas the Train toys - all the stories that go with each train - James the shiny red engine always consumed with how shiny & clean he was or wasn't, Thomas and his pretty blue engine always wanting to help, Bulstrode the Cargo Boat, Percy the little green engine, Cranky the Crane, . We have so many pieces of track and many little cars - not the little die cast metal ones - we have the nice wood ones! We have books and I think all the VCR movies! Just last week they came out with a new movie..... I was tempted.... I asked Patrick if he was interested and he quickly reminded me that he was 'done' with Thomas.... I'm still thinking about it.... b/c I have a new nephew.. right? lol
Patrick started playing with them at 18 months and loved them dearly until 7 years old. Seriously he and his best friend played for hours at play dates - making villages and stories of their own. But at 7 years old he decided he was 'done' with this set of toys. We left the train table out b/c they could use it for other sets of toys and they have. The tracks just recently lost their value... to him but they lasted another year. But now it's become a place to pile everything when I ask the floor to be cleared so now I"m ready for it ALL to be off the floor! :)
But with putting the house on the market - I'm going to put it all away because we are just not using it at this time.
The Thomas the Train toys could probably bring a pretty price at an auction or on Ebay/Craigs List but we decided that we are holding on to them at this time. Who knows - down the road it might be fun to share with the newest nephew or grand kids one day.
Patrick about wore through several smaller pieces (trees, stop signs or crossing guard signs) But you might be tired too if you had been played with every day for 5-6 years! Seriously - he lived, eat and breathed Thomas the Train! I would check on him at night before going to bed and pull out train after train that he wanted to sleep with that night! The thought of rolling over on one of those cars pained me....
Goodnight and have a great week!