Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thankful the week is over!

What a great time the kids and dogs had this afternoon in the back yard!

Fun in the back yard with the dogs - Goldie - although  a year old now is still such a puppy and has such a way of bumping or knocking someone down.  It will get better - and we are not getting rid of the puppy!   lol - (mommy against the family)  I'm working on making them pack leaders too and of course for Goldie to not knock anyone down...    :) 

The old Christmas tree box became an airplane this weekend!  They had so much fun!

Lucy cuddling up on the couch for an afternoon nap.. I love how she has situated herself between the pillows!   
The children are growing up so fast.... 

Thanksgiving picture - I'm not in the picture because.... I'm taking the picture....  :) 
Cousins ...  I don't know if ya'll have seen Sarah - my sister and hubby adopted her about a year and  half ago - she will be 15 soon ...she is originally from the Ukraine.  
AND I've been corrected Calvin is not 'almost 6 foot - he's 6'1'  nothing like a 15 year old to correct his aunt about how tall he really is...  
A picture of hubby and myself...   It's been awhile since we've had one taken together!   :) 


M.K. said...

That is a cute shot of you and Peter!

And...I'm not sure who you meant you were training to be a pack leader, but make sure it's NOT the dog!! LOL. You or Peter, yes; but you don't want Goldie running your house - hahaha!

Tammy said...

I'm talking about the children! :) lol ... Goldie already thinks she leads the house if I'm not around - if I'm there all I have to do is look at her and she immediately goes submissive... but the 65 pound puppy seems to bump and knock my 62/65 pound children down more than not... :)

Anonymous said...

Now that is an adorable couple pic!-Sherry