Wednesday, July 9, 2008


It was so hot today - I don't think it was any different than any other day - it was supposed to be about 95 today - but for some reason it seemed warmer.  Maybe the humidity was up - b/c I was dripping sweat all day today and just wiped out. 

Last night we had the most wonderful rain - it was steady and strong - for almost four hours - and right now we are also receiving a nice rain - I don't think it will last as long as last nights but it is so nice.   Of course you don't see rain like you do in Mississippi - we had rains there that used to last for days.....   maybe that's where  I developed my love for rain showers and thunderstorms.  Remember the big porch at Twin Lakes and the storms that would roll in  while there?  :)  Oops - the current rain storm is gone... I knew it.       

Rachel and I did our walking at the track this morning  and we added one more lap, to her dislike.  She likes  sweating less than me.   lol   We did not work in the garden  today - everything  was so wet from  last nights rain that I just didn't feel like planting  in the mud. 

Oh - we also had a wonderful time at our local bookstore - they are having a sale - 40% off and if you brought in a receipt from one of our neighborhood stores .... an extra 10% off - woohoo.  I  didn't have a receipt but the children and I each picked out a new book.  I found the 3rd in a series that I started reading with a book club in the neighborhood and am hooked...  I'm embarrassed to say - with a vampire love story!  I'm also reading  Beowulf - and  while it's a bit slower I've sworn to read the book before seeing the movie they put out last year starring Anthony Hopkins.   I like the books better but it's fun to see them translated into film. 

One picture today... it's  the morning after our rain - everything is greener and I love sun rises! 

1 comment:

M.K. said...

We've had lots of rain too, but I'm NOT gonna complain, because last year it was so dry, dry, dry. I DO remember those wonderful, long rains in Mississippi. I miss them. I miss Twin Lakes too. Sigh.