Friday, September 12, 2008


Well - the day was a very quiet.
MK - I was at Walmart today too!  But I went around noon and it wasn't so bad.  I stocked up on some things in case the storm this weekend is bad.  

But... tricky - I'm not allowed to lift anything heavy so... I found a nice man to put the heavy water in my buggy,  then a nice man to put the dog food in my buggy and then the nice checker guy to carry it out to the van for me.  Now... the water is still in my van until nice hubby brings it in the house for us!  :)   

Well,  my blood pressure was a bit lower this morning  -  130/95 so.... still high but lower than earlier this week.  As a matter of fact tonight all of a sudden I started feeling lots better.  Maybe the meds are kicking in ...   I see the doctor  next week so I'll update after that appt

We had a fun dinner tonight with H&G... it was Honey's birthday and the children had a blast   picking out their gifts for their grandmother. I wish I had my camera; not like me to forget the camera.  It's so nice to live close to grandparents! (Not because my MIL reads my blog but because  I loved my grandmother and I want my kiddos to have that relationship also.  

I'm closing with a picture of our Goldie - she likes to be close...  I was propping my feet  up for a couple of minutes and she came up to be near me.  She's a sweet puppy. 

Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. I hope that you get everything figured out with your blood pressure. Seems that the meds are working!